Infographic: Visual Voicemail By Drips

Voicemail is far from dying. Instead, the way people engage with voicemail is changing. Embrace the convenience of Visual Voicemail by Drips and give your audience a simplified way to enter your campaign.

Leave Better Voicemails

There’s a big problem with voicemail. Let’s look at the facts. Did you know…

  • Only 18% of people listen to voicemails from unknown numbers?
  • Almost no one responds to voicemails that are incomplete due to faulty answering machine detection (AMD)?

But voicemail is far from dying. Instead, the way people engage with voicemail is changing. Case in point: Over 75% percent of people are interested in interacting with voicemail transcriptions. This is a not-so-new-anymore feature that uses speech-to-text technology to allow users to read instead of listen.

How can innovative enterprises adapt to these facts to deliver a positive customer experience, engage hard-to-reach audiences, and get more high-intent calls that yield results? Visual Voicemail by Drips extends the consumer-centric nature of Conversations as a Service to voicemails.

Download this infographic for a quick and shareable way to see the benefits for yourself.

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