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How A Leading Medicare Insurance Agency Reduced Outreach Costs By 95%

Learn how Drips helped a leading Medicare insurance agency reach more potential members at a lower cost during AEP.

A Focus On Efficiency

Drips worked with a leading Medicare insurance agency that provides marketing, enrollment, and contact center solutions to national and regional health plans. Its innovative and cost-efficient solutions have made it one of the highest-performing companies in the healthcare industry.

Challenge: Handling Peak Volumes

During the Annual Enrollment Period (AEP), this leading Medicare agency found that its licensed agents were receiving a higher volume of inbound form submissions and calls from prospective members. Agents prioritized activities with the greatest immediate impact, focusing on inbound calls and live leads. If the member didn’t respond after one or two calls, agents lacked the time to follow up. Unfortunately, this meant that some prospective members were slipping away.

Solution: Turning Outbound Into Inbound

The Medicare insurance agency decided to solve this by working smarter, not harder (always a great approach!). They partnered with Drips to reach out to prospective members that agents didn’t have the capacity to contact. Drips used AI-powered conversational outbound through text and voice messaging to drive this audience to schedule appointments with licensed agents.

The agency worked with a team of Drips experts to implement best practices, set up data integration, and aid in scripting. Drips provided detailed analytics on engagement rates, conversion rates and ROI, allowing for continuous outreach optimization. As you might guess, this was much easier to implement with Drips compared with a DIY approach.

Results: Significantly Lower Costs

The Medicare insurance agency was able to effectively manage high contact volumes during AEP and increase sales by efficiently reaching out to more potential members. Drips’ Conversations as a Service allowed the licensed agents to focus on the important stuff — closing sales and building relationships — rather than spending time on outbound dials. This led to a 66% lift in conversion rates and a 95% reduction in outreach costs compared to the previous approach. Overall, the agency experienced a 52-times return on investment using Drips.