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2024 AEP Drips Performance Report

During the 2024 Medicare AEP, Drips contacted over 2.3 million shoppers and learned a lot about how to engage Medicare beneficiaries. Download the full report for over 30 pages of AEP insights!

About The 2024 AEP Report

For the 2024 Medicare Annual Enrollment Period (AEP), Drips reached out to over 2.3 million Medicare shoppers on behalf of some of the largest U.S. health insurance plans and brokers. Over the course of 35 Conversations as a Service AEP outreach programs, we not only delivered an impressive enrollment impact, but also learned a ton of insights about what outreach works and what doesn’t for Medicare shoppers.

We achieved:

  • 22.8% higher engagement rate compared to Drips’ 2023 performance.
  • Nearly tripled conversion rate compared to the 2023 AEP.
  • Lowered CPA by as much as 81% for one client program.

We learned:

  • Staff up on Tuesdays! Tuesday had the most scheduled agent calls during AEP.
  • The second day of outreach had the highest engagement.
  • The most common response was that the shopper was “busy.” However, digging deeper showed that 34% of these shoppers were actually ready to schedule an agent call.

Get the entire story with over 30 pages of insights in our free 2024 AEP Performance Report eBook!